
Comparing Coakley, Bayh

Evan Bayh is no Martha Coakley. But on the outside chance Bayh could be beat in this year’s senate race, an opponent might
do best to paint him as an elitist.

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City revamping management of parking operations

The city of Indianapolis is seeking to consolidate management of its parking operations into a single, long-term lease that
could net it tens of millions of dollars to make street and sidewalk repairs. City leaders are expected to release a request
for proposals “soon.”

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City to bolster economic development funding

Mayor Greg Ballard expected to announce at his State of the City address Wednesday evening that the Indianapolis Convention
& Visitors Association and Indianapolis Economic Development Inc. could receive about $1 million each from the city.

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Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

A report from the Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute says metropolitan counties pay more in state taxes than they receive
in benefits. The results, though not surprising,  document the disparity for the first time in Indiana.

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