
‘Livability’ for Indianapolis

A year into his tenure as mayor of Indianapolis, Greg Ballard over the weekend articulated what may be the
closest thing weâ??ll hear for his vision for the city.

Ballardâ??s State of the City address touted making Indianapolis the…

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Stimulus just way too big to spend this year

After much debate, the U.S. House and Senate have come together on a stimulus package. Whether it will work remains to be seen. And the long-term impact of spending nearly $800 billion is a big concern.

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It’s time for Colts, fans to pay up

I agree 100 percent that Colts’ owner Jim Irsay should step up to the plate to help bail out the Capital Improvement Board debt and that Colts’ ticket holders should be taxed.

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Wobbly on township government

State legislators seem to be looking for excuses to dodge the recommendation in the Kernan-Shepard report
to eliminate township-level government.

This wasnâ??t unexpected. Township officials often are close friends and political allies of legislators, so
the legislators donâ??t want…

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Tap the rainy day fund?

The weakening economy is producing worse and worse tax revenue forecasts for Indiana. As a result, Democrats
are calling for Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, to open the stateâ??s $1.3 billion rainy day fund.

Tough times like these are what…

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Stimulus talk creates uncertainty at Statehouse

Stimulus talk continues to dominate discussion at the Indiana Statehouse, creating indecision for lawmakers who were supposed to be devoting their full attention to assembling a two-year budget under difficult economic circumstances.

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Tax cheats, or just ignorance?

A third nominee to join the Obama administration has gone down in flames after revelations about problems
with income taxes.

A Senate panel last night called off confirmation hearings for U.S. Rep. Hilda Solis, who was nominated to
lead the Labor…

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