City of Lawrence, billboard firms tangle with Marion County planners
What started as a dispute over a pair of digital billboards in Lawrence has evolved into a battle with broad implications
for Marion County.
What started as a dispute over a pair of digital billboards in Lawrence has evolved into a battle with broad implications
for Marion County.
If Indianapolis is going to be a first-class city, it needs to have a comprehensive smoke-free workplace law.
Johnson County officials this month approved a 7-percent tax on hotel-room stays.
A bill that would require legislators who leave office to wait at least one year before they could become lobbyists got a
chilly reception in a Senate committee last session and went no further.
Yet another Illinois governor is going down in legal flames, as Rod Blagojevich struggles to extricate himself
from federal accusations that he brazenly tried to peddle Barack Obamaâ??s Senate seat to the highest bidder.
So, weâ??re reminded again that power corrupts….
Politicians are about to step in for directors and force sweeping changes on the Detroit car companies, judging
from the direction of talks in Congress.
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd yesterday called for the firing of General Motors…
Without good data, public and private decisions will be hampered in the next decade.
Local health groups are aghast at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s decision to end contracts with six
local air pollution control agencies.
The Big Three and the United Auto Workers do not appear to be serious about making the concessions and changes that are necessary
to make them a viable entity for the long haul.
Gov. Mitch Daniels said he generally supports a federal stimulus package that would include some money for Indiana and other
states, particularly for infrastructure projects such as highways and bridges.
I find your writing to be thought-provoking, and I especially liked your [Nov. 24] piece.
More than one in four Marion County commercial and industrial property owners has appealed its property tax assessments this
year, and the challenges often are paying off in a big way.
Anti-smoking advocates are organizing a new attempt to strengthen Indianapolis’ ban against smoking in the workplace.
The economic impact of a Super Bowl on the host city is subject to vigorous debate.
I don’t begrudge those who legally obtain and carry guns, whether their intended use is hunting or self-protection, and I
question the media frenzy that erupted after New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress was arrested for carrying a weapon
without a New York license.
A new national analysis of U.S. public pension funds suggests most invest prudently, even in volatile times.
What are the legal repercussions against Web sites that allow defamatory comments to be posted on them?
Indiana legislators are signaling that everyone who receives funding from state government must tighten their belts as tax
collections fall short of projections. That could cause pressure for cuts to key technology incentives.
The Metropolitan Development Commission gave Indianapolis area transportation planners the green light Nov. 12 to do an expedited
study that would show locations, cost and potential ridership for mass transit routes region-wide.
The Metropolitan Development Commission has given city planners the green light to seek an expedited study that would provide
a clearer picture of what a comprehensive regional transit system could look like and how much it would cost.