United Way to distribute $34.6M from campaign
The amount to be given to local agencies is 3.6 percent less than last year. United Way raised a total of $38.2 million in its 2010 campaign, falling short of an ambitious $41 million goal.
The amount to be given to local agencies is 3.6 percent less than last year. United Way raised a total of $38.2 million in its 2010 campaign, falling short of an ambitious $41 million goal.
A local Christian foundation is pulling in donations at such a rapid clip that it could double in size this year.
A smaller budget and new selection process for Indianapolis’ crime-prevention grant program has thrown some local not-for-profits for a loop.
Spotlight returns 93 cents on the dollar for grants to HIV and STD prevention, outreach and testing programs across the state.
Indiana University will receive donations totaling $10.7 million from the estate of late philanthropist Ruth Lilly, the university announced Wednesday morning.
The Cincinnati, Ohio-based grocer announced Wednesday a new three-year, $3.8 million investment that will support library grants, schools and a literacy initiative across Indianapolis.
Lilly Endowment Inc. is continuing its decades-long support of the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, awarding the not-for-profit a $6.3 million grant to help low- and middle-income families become homeowners.
The Indianapolis Parks Foundation will administer the city's tax-supported crime grants program, under a proposal approved Monday night 26-0 by the City-County Council.
Splash zone is among several improvements slated for German Church and 30th Park, a few of which will be considered Thursday by the Metropolitan Development Commission’s hearing examiner.
Under a proposal on its way to the City-County Council, the Indianapolis Parks Foundation would oversee millions of dollars in tax-supported grants for crime prevention.
A Purdue University-based institute that aids military families whose lives have been disrupted by a relative's deployment overseas has won a $6.3 million grant from the Lilly Endowment to boost its mission.
Grant from Lilly Endowment will create a workforce training center, space for distance education and administrative offices at 45-year-old former hotel on North Meridian Street.
Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman says the grant will pay to demolish old building foundations, deteriorated pavement and concrete slabs in the downtown business district.
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis has received a three-year, $700,000 grant from the PNC Foundation to renovate its early childhood exhibit, Playscape. It is the first major gift the foundation has made in Indianapolis.
IU will use its Lilly Endowment grant to open its news Center for Law, Ethics and Applied Research in Health Information.
Indiana University had a license or two to print money from the commercialization of its technology over the last year—and did it ever. While Purdue University didn’t collect as much in royalties from commercialization, it pulled down record levels of research grants.
The grant provides close to $1 million a year for five years to support cooperative research activities between the Low Energy
Neutron Source facility at IU Bloomington and the National Center for Neutron Research in Maryland.
Juli Erhart-Graves, president of the volunteer-run organization, said demand has outstripped SNSI’s ability to raise
money and win grants during the economic downturn.
Indiana University announced Monday that it has seen a 38 percent increase in private-sector grants and contributions from
a year ago, when such revenue declined during the recession.
Conserving Hoosier Industrial Power, or CHIP, grants will range from $50,000 to $400,000.