
Hospitals suffer third-quarter swoon

Indiana University Health and Franciscan Alliance saw key parts of their businesses deteriorate sharply, according to new financial reports released by the hospital systems, causing each to slash more than 900 positions.

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Health care has priced itself out of its own market

It’s no secret the growth of the U.S. economy slowed in the 2000s after the go-go decade preceding it. But the U.S. health care system—hospitals, doctors, drug companies, device makers and health insurers—apparently didn’t get that memo.

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New $754M Indy hospital offers sun-filled design

From the spiraling wooden sculpture suspended from the ceiling in the main concourse to the vegetable garden on the roof, the brand-new Eskenazi Hospital keeps you wondering what you will see around the next corner.

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Hamilton County health facility with 100 workers closing

The state’s Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services ordered an immediate transfer of the residents to other providers Nov. 11. The state recently cited the facility for violations regarding infection control and other problems.

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House GOP gets its say on insurance cancellations

Republicans renewed an assault on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul and his credibility on Friday as they pushed toward House passage of a measure to let insurers keep selling health coverage that falls short of the law’s strict standards.

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Obama’s telling the same kind of fib he did before

The Affordable Care Act was designed to restructure the individual insurance market into a true insurance risk pool. President Obama should stop pretending those changes won’t affect everyone in the individual market, whether they want it to or not.

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701 Hoosiers choose Obamacare plans at rollout

The administration says fewer than 27,000 people managed to enroll for health insurance last month in the 36 states relying on the problem-filled federal website for President Barack Obama’s overhaul.

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Testosterone drugs raise heart risk, study finds

Testosterone replacement drugs, a $1.6 billion market for Eli Lilly and Co. and others, boosted the odds of having a heart attack, stroke or dying by 29 percent in one of the first studies weighing the therapy's cardiovascular risks.

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Lawmakers considering more changes to patent laws

U.S. lawmakers, influenced by companies including Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co., Cisco Systems Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., are considering the second set of patent-law changes in three years as the courts try to race ahead of Congress.

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