
WellPoint CEO’s critics suggesting replacements

Another plea for the ouster of WellPoint CEO Angela Braly is spurring discussions among investors and analysts about a replacement. Top suggestions include James G. Carlson, the chief of Amerigroup Corp., and David B. Snow Jr., the former chief of Medco Health Solutions Inc.

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Lilly’s Alzheimer’s drug trials show mixed results

Eli Lilly and Co.’s experimental Alzheimer’s drug failed to meet its primary goals in two separate clinical trials. However, when the results of both trials were combined, the drug appeared to have slowed the decline of cognition in some patients.

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Rival’s strong results have WellPoint playing catch-up

UnitedHealth has been enjoying healthy profits, growing customer rolls and a rising stock price—things the Indianapolis insurer has been unable to match. That tough comparison lies behind some of the investor attacks on WellPoint CEO Angela Braly.

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GOP govs: Not enough Medicaid ‘flexibility’

The Obama administration is giving states like Indiana a little flexibility in how to expand their Medicaid programs—but nothing like what state officials hoped for after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the law in late June.

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WellPoint dragged into Goldman Sachs suit

WellPoint Inc.’s $4.9 billion offer for Virginia-based Amerigroup Inc. apparently wasn’t the only—or even the most lucrative—offer for the Medicaid managed care company. But it was the deal surest to come to fruition before a key deadline for a big payout for Goldman Sachs & Co., according to a shareholder lawsuit filed Aug. 16 against the Amerigroup board of directors.

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Alph Bingham spent more than 28 years at Eli Lilly and Co. and from there co-founded InnoCentive Inc., a Massachusetts-based organization that organizes crowdsourcing to help companies solve internal challenges. The Carmel resident spoke about the challenges now facing pharmaceutical companies, which are buckling under ever-rising costs to develop drugs with lower rates of success and worsening prospects for reimbursement. Bingham’s solution is for pharma to embrace crowdsourcing and other “open innovation” concepts in order to spread the risk of R&D among more partners.

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EMR causes hospital wait times to soar

Columbus Regional Hospital saw wait times double in its emergency room after it began using electronic records in late June, according to the Associated Press. Even now, wait times are longer than usual, even though they have lessened.

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WellPoint board member says Braly still backed as CEO

A WellPoint Inc. director said there’s no move by the board to fire CEO Angela Braly for poor performance. Meanwhile, an expert predicted Braly will have at least until early 2013 to right the ship as the company awaits the close of the $4.9 billion Amerigroup acquisition.

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