
Franciscan doubles down on accountable care

Franciscan St. Francis Health earned a $6.6 million bonus from the Medicare program for its success at keeping central Indiana patients out of the hospital and the emergency room. So the hospital system will expand its participation in so-called accountable care programs to all its Indiana territories.

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Obama hands employers free play on health insurance

The Obama administration’s one-year delay on enforcement of penalties against employers that fail to offer affordable health insurance gives employers the chance to cancel their benefits for the year and pocket a boatload of cash.

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Physician pay: What goes up must come down

Compensation in the most common physician specialties has been growing much faster than inflation for the past five years. Now, financially squeezed hospitals are set to reverse that trend.

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Obamacare rebates total $22.6M in Indiana

Indiana consumers are set to receive rebates that are 59 percent larger this year as Obamacare continues to force health insurers to refund premiums that exceed actual medical claims by more than 20 percent.

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Governors aside, feds building health care exchanges

The feds may be gaining on GOP governors who've balked at carrying out a key part of the health care overhaul law. Opponents of the law say they won't set up new private health insurance exchanges. But increasingly it's looking like Washington will do it for them.

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U.S. health-care overhaul upheld by Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the core of President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul, preserving most of a law that would expand insurance to millions of people and transform an industry that makes up 18 percent of the nation’s economy.

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