
Home medical supply firm grows as industry boom approaches

David Hartley pulled $85,000 from his savings six years ago to buy Home Health Depot Inc. Nearly six years later, Hartley
has reinvented the Indianapolis-based home medical equipment supplier, growing from a single office in Greenwood to 12 locations
in Indiana and Illinois—and increasing annual revenue from $300,000 to more than $6.7 million.

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Hospital jobs keep growing in recession

Hospitals continued to be a stable and slightly growing source of jobs and wages in Indiana—for better and for worse.
The sector paid $7.3 billion to 127,000 Hoosiers in 2008, according to the latest data from the American Hospital Association.

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St. Vincent closes in on new hospital deal

A deal in which St. Vincent Health would buy or lease Bedford’s Dunn Memorial Hospital is in the final stages, according
to the Times-Mail of Bedford. The hospital board held two hours of closed-door talks on May 26, and one board member
predicted a decision within days.

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Study: Quality, costs better at big practices

As physician mergers increase in Indianapolis, a new study has determined that quality at large, multispecialty practices is at
least 5 percent higher and costs are 3.6 percent lower than at small group practices.

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