
Sports vision ripe for renewal

If the city is serious about continuing to use amateur athletics as an economic tool, more collaboration among the university,
city leaders and sports organizations is clearly needed.

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Track, tennis venue at IUPUI eyed for demolition

Long-range plans for IUPUI unveiled this month call for the demolition of the Michael A. Carroll Track & Field Stadium and
Indianapolis Tennis Center, raising questions about the future of sporting events held at those venues that have generated
tens of millions of dollars in economic activity for the city.

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Sports Corp. made city a sports giant, but real estate plans fell short

Construction of Pan Am Plaza in the mid-1980s was a major step in the evolution of Indianapolis into a sports town worthy
of hosting a Super Bowl. But the office building, parking garage, skating rinks and public gathering place came up short over
the years in other ways for both taxpayers and developer, the Indiana Sports Corp.

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New Sports Corp. boss adjusting game plan

Tom King thinks its time to run the not-for-profit Indiana Sports Corp. with a for-profit mind-set, a change that could radically alter the organization credited with implementing the city’s amateur sports strategy.

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