
NEWSMAKER: Myles Brand led NCAA reforms

President Myles Brand died after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He is remembered for firing Indiana University basketball
coach Bob Knight, but he later became hailed as a reformer as head of the NCAA.

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Knight criticizes NCAA tourney expansion in local speech

In his first public appearance in Indiana since skipping his own induction into the Indiana University Hall of Fame last month,
former basketball coach Bob Knight criticized a proposed NCAA tournament expansion to 96 teams, saying nobody should get a bye in the
Big Dance.

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IU economists forecast tepid growth in 2010

Indiana University economists offered a cautious but improving economic outlook for 2010, in which they expect the personal
income of Hoosiers to grow slightly and the state to add 50,000 jobs.

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State’s college graduation rates bedevil education experts

Just over half of students at state-supported, four-year institutions in Indiana graduate within six years—a tremendous
waste of resources by both students and taxpayers. The number of citizens with bachelor’s degrees is one of the surest
indicators of economic success in a 21st century economy driven less by workers’ hands
and more by their heads.

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Knight refuses IU’s offer to settle lawsuit

Bob Knight didn’t like Indiana University making a private matter public, and he didn’t want IU alumni footing the bill to
settle a lawsuit. On Tuesday, Knight released a statement saying he will return a $75,000 check sent last week by school officials
as a settlement offer.

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IU professor wins Nobel economics prize

IU professor Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for her analyses of economic governance, becoming the first woman to win the prize since it was founded in 1968.

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IU: Indiana economy turned in March

The Indiana economy turned up in March, but the recovery has been slow and dogged. That’s the picture painted by a new
monthly index unveiled Wednesday by the Indiana Business Research Center within the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

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