
Cost of a convertible?

Lucas Oil Stadium’s retractable roof continues to be the center of much debate. How much use the convertible ceiling at LOS will get remains to be seen. But after a few phone calls…

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Is retractable roof waste of money?

It was partly sunny, and in the mid to high 70s yesterday in Glendale, Ariz. And the roof on the Arizona Cardinals’ football stadium was closed for the NFC Championship game against the…

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Archie has no reason to complain

Peyton and Eli aren’t the only Mannings raking in the dough from marketing and advertising deals. Their dad, Archie, who retired as a player in 1984, is also doing just fine. In recent…

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Manning: ‘It’s on like Donkey Kong’

You may not take the Jan. 18 lick-off between Peyton and Eli Manning and Venus and Serena Williams seriously, but you can bet the folks at Kraft, who own the Oreo brand, are.


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Eli’s take to pass Peyton’s pay

It’s long been debated which of the Manning brothers is the better quarterback, Peyton or Eli. Which is the highest paid has never been a debatable point. In Indianapolis—and in New York, it…

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Colts brand bigger than Dungy

Maybe it was the team’s experience with Eric Dickerson. Maybe it was a string of flame-out first round draft picks shortly before the days of Peyton Manning. Heck, who knows, maybe it was…

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Colts’ Caldwell now on hot seat

Now that Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy’s retirement is upon us (it’s expected at a 5 p.m. press conference today), it’s time to contemplate this one very important question; Who is Jim Caldwell?…

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Fan support determines future

While Indianapolis Colts coaches—and fans—are asking themselves if there are some soft spots in the roster, the team’s sales and marketing executives are pondering a different question: Is the fan base soft?
They’re about…

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Manning owes local fans exclusivity

There’s a simple reason why Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning is spilling his guts to Sports Illustrated and ESPN this week about his knee injury and rehabilitation process earlier this year, and not…

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NFL Pro Bowl may come to Indy

Indianapolis appears to be in the running to host the 2012 NFL Pro Bowl. Today, league officials confirmed they are moving the 2010 Pro Bowl to Miami, the Super Bowl host city that…

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Colts MVP?

While all eyes are focused on quarterback Peyton Manning, I like to look a little further down the Indianapolis Colts’ pay scale for hidden gems. These are the players guys like Colts President…

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Mirror mirror on the wall …

News flash … This just in … Good-looking NFL quarterbacks make more money—a lot more money—than less attractive ones. Seriously. A group of Utah economists using high-tech computers to measure the symmetry of…

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UT asks for Manning blessing

Few doubt that Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning will be a first-rate coach—if he chooses to pursue that line of work after his playing days are over. He’s already taken on the role…

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Melvin Bullitt: Colts’ MVP?

I won’t debate who the Indianapolis Colts’ most valuable player is this season. There are perhaps more qualified people for that speculative sport. But I will tell you who the Colts’ best value…

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Colts players tied up over rules

At an Indianapolis Colts team meeting held yesterday, coach Tony Dungy asked how many players didn’t know an NFL game could end in a tie. About 15 players raised their hands, according to…

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BSU QB catches Colts’ Polian’s eye

Does Bill Polian’s attendance at Ball State’s home football game Wednesday night mean the Indianapolis Colts are quarterback shopping? League sources and draft experts said the notion shouldn’t be discounted, although Colts Coach…

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Colts lack QB insurance

Watching the Dallas Cowboys struggle recently under the leadership of back up quarterback Brad Johnson and the Pittsburgh Steelers flourish behind second-stringer Byron Leftwich during the second half of their game last night has…

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Colts close window on controversy

Indianapolis Colts officials said ratcheting up the noise inside Lucas Oil Stadium had nothing to do with the decision to close the large window on the north end of the stadium for last…

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Bandwagon Colts fans sell tickets

That thud you just heard was the sound of thousands of people falling off the Indianapolis Colts bandwagon. Yes, the argument of how soft—or hard core–this converted football town is, has begun anew….

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Colts kill rowdiness via text system

If you’re feeling threatened at this Sunday’s Indianapolis Colts game at Lucas Oil Stadium, or if some obnoxious fan near you is dropping the F-bomb left and right for all your kids to…

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