
State approves $511M in IPL upgrades

Indianapolis Power and Light Co. plans to revamp coal plants in Indianapolis and Petersburg to comply with federal rules. State regulators gave the go-ahead on Wednesday, setting the stage for a potential rate hike.

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Sierra Club puts Harding coal plant in crosshairs

The Sierra Club wants the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to block an IPL plan to spend $511 million on pollution controls at its 39-year-old Harding Street plant, plus a four-unit station in the southwestern Indiana town of Petersburg.

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United Way sees promise in new CEO’s connections

Ann Murtlow has no experience running a not-for-profit, yet she is charging into the top job at one of the city’s largest charitable groups. The people who hired the former Indianapolis Power & Light Co. CEO say her connections to the Indianapolis business community are a big plus in her new role at United Way of Central Indiana.

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Utilities to get bill for damaged grid-control room

A Carmel not-for-profit that monitors the electric grid in 11 states and part of Canada plans to pass on to its member utilities and transmission-line operators $5.4 million in costs resulting from damage to its local data center last September.

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IPL pulling plug on renewable-energy effort

Indianapolis Power & Light says beginning next March it will stop offering to buy electricity from customers who generate it from renewable sources—a blow to advocates of wind, solar and other clean forms of energy.

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Plant upgrades might cost IPL nearly $1 billion

New federal mercury-reduction regulations may force Indianapolis Power & Light to spend nearly $1 billion to upgrade its coal-fired electric plants scattered around Indiana. Duke Energy is mulling everything from plant upgrades to shutting down older units.

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