
Budget leaders examine Healthy Indiana financing

Members of the State Budget Committee took a detailed look Friday at how Gov. Mike Pence would pay for "Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0," his proposal to expand insurance coverage using a state-run plan instead of traditional Medicaid.

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Consumers losing doctors with Obamacare plans

Before the law took effect, experts warned that narrow networks could impact patient's access to care, especially in cheaper plans. But with insurance cards now in hand, consumers are finding their access limited across all price ranges.

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Insurers say most Obamacare enrollees paying premiums

Three large health insurers including Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. and Aetna Inc. say that a high percentage of their new Obamacare customers are paying their first premiums, partly undermining a Republican criticism of enrollment in the program.

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Big health care insurers bulk up executive pay

WellPoint CEO Joe Swedish wasn’t the only health insurance exec making big bucks last year. Aetna Inc. Chairman and CEO Mark T. Bertolini saw his total compensation more than double, to top $30 million.

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