
Report: Medicaid expansion could juice economy

Proponents of a Medicaid expansion in Indiana are playing up the economic boost the state and its businesses could see from the expansion of health insurance coverage called for by President Obama’s health reform law.

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Mike Ripley, a health care lobbyist for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, talked about the business group’s views on a proposed expansion of coverage by the Indiana Medicaid program. As it stands now, the 2013 Indiana budget bill includes a plan passed by the Senate as Senate Bill 551, which would have OK’d the Pence administration to negotiate a block grant deal with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand Medicaid coverage via a program like the Healthy Indiana Plan. When that bill was altered in the House to remove the block grant concept, the Chamber dropped its support. The altered House bill is now dead, and the original Senate plan has been added to the budget bill. Its ultimate fate is still unknown

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Study: Indiana individual health-claim costs to rise

A study by the nation's leading group of financial risk analysts shows the biggest driver of health insurance premiums will rise by more than 67 percent for Indiana residents' individual policies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

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Feds delay decision on Indiana Medicaid plan

The federal government has delayed action on Indiana's proposal to expand Medicaid because the state hasn't received public comment on the proposals, but the issue could be resolved quickly with two hearings set for next week, a spokeswoman for Gov. Mike Pence said Wednesday.

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Baldwin to move HQ to Carmel, add 133 jobs

Trucking and auto fleet insurer Baldwin & Lyons Inc. plans to move its headquarters from downtown Indianapolis to Carmel by the end of the year and hopes to add 133 jobs over the next five years, the company announced Monday afternoon.

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Indiana Senate approves Medicaid expansion

The Indiana Senate voted Tuesday to expand Medicaid using a state-run program, as lawmakers and Gov. Mike Pence continue negotiating how the state should cover an estimated 400,000 low-income residents.

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