
Indiana awaits ruling before starting health exchange

Indiana has spent the past year and a half planning for its own health insurance exchange in case the U.S. Supreme Court upholds President Barack Obama's health care law, but the state still could end up being forced into the federal exchange.

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Court ruling would lift cloud of uncertainty

The U.S. Supreme Court did not hand down a ruling in the health care reform case Monday morning. The nine justices meet again Thursday, but most observers expect the decision to come June 25 or June 28.

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WellPoint rivals to keep parts of health care law

Some of the nation's biggest health insurers will keep some popular parts of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul even if the law fails to survive U.S. Supreme Court scrutiny later this month. Indianapolis-based WellPoint will wait for the court ruling.

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Price hikes offset slower health care use

Newly available data from private health insurance plans show that price hikes by hospitals, doctors and drug companies have kept employer spending rising recently even as their employees and dependents have moderated their consumption of health care services.

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Activists plan to protest WellPoint political giving at meeting

A mix of union groups, activist investors and single-payer advocates will call for increased disclosure from WellPoint, and some investment funds will vote against WellPoint board members who they say have failed to exercise proper oversight of WellPoint’s political spending.

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State’s high court to weigh hospital bills

The Indiana Supreme Court this week will consider whether hospital billing practices should be put on trial. The state’s highest court will hear oral arguments Thursday in a case in which two uninsured patients have sued Indiana University Health for charging them much higher prices than it would have charged insured patients.

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