

Highly skilled manufacturing likely to stay in U.S. but other jobs less safe

Proprietary manufacturing jobs—such as those in the aerospace, automotive and life sciences sectors—are likely to even grow as employers seek talent and quality control. But lower-skilled basic production work is on its way out to international markets like China, India and Mexico, where wages are a fraction as expensive.

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Pence planning May trade mission to China

Pence will travel with a delegation of Hoosier business leaders to Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, Indiana’s Chinese sister-state. The delegation plans to leave May 9 and return May 16.

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Strong dollar divides economy into winners, losers

Hoosier businesses and consumers face a dynamic not seen in a generation—a dollar significantly more muscular than many competing currencies. Experts predict the dollar’s clout and the pros and cons of that power will endure for a year and possibly as long as three.

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Indiana ports set records in 2014

Ports operated by the state set shipping records last year, according to Ports of Indiana, the quasi-government body that operates ports at Burns Harbor on Lake Michigan, and at Jeffersonville and Mount Vernon on the Ohio River.

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