
Governor starts Asia trip with Indiana delegation

Daniels and about 40 government and business officials from Indiana are scheduled to be in China until Sunday. The governor and a smaller group will then go to Japan for meetings until returning to Indiana on Nov. 17.

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Ethanol doubles its efforts in effort to keep subsidies

For years, ethanol fuel derived from corn was almost politically untouchable, thanks to powerful advocates on Capitol Hill.
The ethanol industry has consequently exploded over the last decade, thanks to government subsidies and incentives. But skepticism
about ethanol is rising, prompted by fluctuating food prices and an organized campaign by anti-ethanol advocates to discredit
the industry.

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Chinese investors financing startup, early stage companies

Indiana entrepreneurs weary of hitting dry holes with angel investors and venture capitalists are turning to Chinese investors
who are eager to diversify their portfolios, latch onto American innovations—and take advantage of a federal visa program.

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State exporters poised to benefit from Obama effort

Overseas sales are a major emphasis for Indianapolis-based Peerless Pump, which makes highly engineered pumps for fire suppression,
factories and waterworks. President Obama’s administration wants to help rebuild the U.S. economy by putting more companies
on Peerless’ trajectory.

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