
WellPoint expected to look for growth overseas

WellPoint Inc., the most dominant health insurer in the United States, registers as barely a pipsqueak in the rest of the
world. But it’s only a matter of time, say industry experts, before WellPoint plunges into foreign markets to grow sales of
its health benefits and services.

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India deal boosts Bastian

Little more than a decade ago, Bastian Material Handling had annual sales of less than $35 million. Since 2000, its revenue
has doubled, to $80 million, and its business interests don’t just cross the state, they circle the globe.

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Weak dollar boosting state manufacturers

The sliding value of the U.S. dollar is boosting financial results for some of Indiana’s big exporters. The dollar recently
hit its lowest point in 15 years against an index of other major currencies, such as the euro, the Chinese yuan and Canadian

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