
Victims to collect money soon in Veros case

The court-appointed receiver in an alleged $8.6 million Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Indianapolis-based Veros Partners Inc. is preparing to make his first distribution to affected investors.

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Smulyan extends his Emmis buyout offer yet again

The additional extension might be a sign Smulyan and the board are at odds over price. In a letter to directors evaluating the deal, Smulyan offered no details, stating, “Our entire team looks forward to further discussions … to complete a mutually acceptable transaction.”

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Smulyan extends deadline for Emmis buyout offer again

In a letter to a special committee of the board of directors, Smulyan said he looks forward “to further discussions with the committee and its financial advisor and legal counsel to complete a mutually acceptable transaction.”

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Shareholders of Republic Airways flex muscle in bankruptcy

Two hedge funds that own a quarter of the stock argue the Indianapolis-based carrier, which flies commuter routes on contract for the nation’s biggest airlines, really wasn’t insolvent when the company filed for bankruptcy—a move that gave it the leverage to negotiate much more favorable pacts with Delta, United and American. And with those deals now sealed, the outlook is even brighter.

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Pension system may up bets on state firms

Indiana’s public pension system over the next several months will consider participation in a $1 billion economic-development initiative proposed by outgoing Republican Gov. Mike Pence.

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OneAmerica to dissolve mutual funds

OneAmerica Financial Partners Inc. is getting out of the mutual-fund-management business after 26 years—dissolving four funds with a total of more than half a billion dollars in assets.

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Hogsett seeks to eliminate city pensions

Mayor Joe Hogsett wants to replace traditional pensions for future employees with a retirement option more like a private-sector 401(k) as a way to help erase the city’s multimillion-dollar deficit.

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