Local firm set to launch two more mutual funds
Founded in 2005, The Archer Funds will now have three mutual funds to offer clients. It is among just a handful of locally based firms that markets its own mutual funds.
Founded in 2005, The Archer Funds will now have three mutual funds to offer clients. It is among just a handful of locally based firms that markets its own mutual funds.
A judge on Friday approved a plan under which investors who lost millions in Marcus Schrenker’s financial schemes will get back seven cents on the dollar.
American stock market history goes back far enough to give us a lot of data and reference points we can use to help us understand the future.
Former Conseco executives Steve Hilbert and Rollin Dick are caught in a bitter legal battle between billionaire hardware king John Menard and his ex-fiancee.
Tim Durham says he’s ruined financially, but he’s not cutting corners lining up legal firepower to defend himself. Durham has hired famed criminal defense attorney Roy Black of Miami, lawyers representing the Indianapolis financier in civil litigation confirmed.
This unusual taxpayer-owned IPO did create some interesting conflicts.
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke wants the entire world to believe that the United States is in a deflationary economic cycle and, therefore, the drastic, insane steps he is taking are justified.
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis is suing some of the nation’s largest financial institutions to recover losses on a $3 billion portfolio of mortgage-backed securities.
A Florida art dealer who successfully bid more than $260,000 on artwork that once belonged to Fair Finance Co. co-owner Timothy Durham says he canceled the sale. Now he and another big bidder from Philadelphia are being sued by Fair Finance bankruptcy trustee Brian Bash for nonpayment.
The device is projected to save Prince Group office at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. more than $3,000 in paper alone.
Looking at the final years of the Great Depression tells me that next year might not be so kind to investors.
At 78, L. Gene Tanner is one of the longest-serving investment advisers working in Indianapolis. Tanner spoke with IBJ's Norm Heikens about why he shifted to City Securities, his brush with convicted Ponzi scheme operator Bernard Madoff, and how his investment strategy has changed.
Experts are split over whether runup in precious metal is a classic bubble.
Benchmarking has exploded with the industry’s propensity to slice and dice and categorize every segment of the overall investment pie.
The investment is from a San Francisco-based firm and follows a $22.5 million investment the company received in October from multiple investors.
The penalty stems from charges that Citigroup Global Markets failed to monitor a former agent accused of working with Robert Nelms, who was sentenced in May for securities fraud involving a $24 million cemetery trust fund operated by Indianapolis-based Memory Gardens Management Corp.
Citigroup Capital Markets retail analyst Kate McShane has Finish Line near the top of her list of potential leveraged-buyout candidates.
I’ve noticed a growing number of experts who are confused and confounded by the rising stock market. They refuse to believe what their eyes are telling them…
Venture funds nationwide crested at $100 billion in 2000, but that number last year had drooped to $18 billion.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is proposing significant changes to the structure of the annual marketing or distribution fee on mutual funds known as a 12(b)-1 fee.