
Indiana-born coat-checking firm gains steam after ‘Shark Tank’ appearance

Derek Pacqu&eacute, who started CoatChex in 2010, appeared a year ago on the ABC show in which entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to prominent investors. Billionaire Mark Cuban offered to invest but wanted a large ownership stake. Pacqu&eacute said no, and has since grown his company.

But really, he said, the company is doing just fine without the billionaire.

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Web startup aims to connect private businesses, investors

Private firms that need to raise relatively modest amounts of capital have a hard time finding money. Now three Indianapolis entrepreneurs think they have the answer: crowdfunding. Individuals make small investments that are aggregated to fund a business. Indianapolis-based Localstake wants to be the matchmaker.

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Promising ethanol yeast nears market launch

A firm that may have developed a breakthrough yeast for ethanol production has landed new investment and high-octane board
members. Two-year-old Xylogenics Inc. also says it plans to license its first bioengineered yeast later this year.

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Steak n Shake CEO woos investors in New York City

Steak n Shake Co. doesn't operate a single restaurant in New York City, where it is hosting its annual meeting Thursday.
But the world financial capital is chock full of high-profile investors intrigued by Steak n Shake CEO Sardar Biglari's
plans to harvest cash from the 485-location restaurant chain and deploy it on other investments.

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