Local courts to lose a century of bench depth
Dozens of judges around the state are calling it a career at the end of the year, including five jurists from Marion County courts with more than a century of combined experience.
Dozens of judges around the state are calling it a career at the end of the year, including five jurists from Marion County courts with more than a century of combined experience.
The deal calls for the Indianapolis-based NCAA to toughen return-to-play rules for college athletes. It also would create a medical fund to test current and former athletes for brain trauma.
Marion County’s unique power-sharing judicial-election system won’t be fixed anytime soon, even though a federal judge has ruled the four-decade-old system is unconstitutional.
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear a case over whether U.S. states can delegate the regulation of professions such as dentistry, plumbing, cosmetology and more to boards of practitioners drawn from those occupations.
A federal judge in Indianapolis has ruled that the statute outlining how Marion Superior judges are elected is unconstitutional. Because a stay has been issued, the ruling will not impact next month’s election.
Justices turned away appeals from five states including Indiana seeking to prohibit same-sex marriage. The court’s order immediately ends delays on such marriages in those states but leaves the Constitutional question hanging.
Almost everyone is calling for the Supreme Court to step in and make a decision on gay marriage, but not getting involved is a possibility. The issue was on the agenda when the justices met in private Monday to decide new cases to hear this term.
Opponents and supporters of same-sex marriages alike are trying to persuade the Supreme Court to take up Indiana's case to decide once and for all whether gay marriage should be legal in all 50 states. The court will consider their requests and others Sept. 29.
The justices said in a 5-4 vote that Americans have a right to give the legal maximum to candidates for Congress and president, as well as to parties and PACs, without worrying that they will violate the law when they bump up against a limit on all contributions.
The Supreme Court has struck down key provisions of Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants. But the court said Monday that one much-debated part of the law could go forward.
David Swanson, who is serving a 12-year sentence for wire fraud, money laundering and tax evasion, has succeeded in getting a federal appeals court to hear his case for early release.
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to revive a bid to press a $6.8 billion class-action suit against Eli Lilly and Co. over the marketing of Zyprexa, the company’s schizophrenia treatment.
One of the finalists, Marion Superior Court Judge Robyn Moberly, would be the first woman on the state’s highest court
since 1999.