NFP of NOTE: Indiana Council for Economic Education
The Indiana Council for Economic Education is a nonprofit, working to increase economic literacy throughout Indiana.
The Indiana Council for Economic Education is a nonprofit, working to increase economic literacy throughout Indiana.
Instead of four classes, the Indiana Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association has been surveying member schools
to see if they support or oppose going to three classes instead of four.
Teaching the story of creation isn’t “hocus-pocus,” and vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin isn’t arguing how long it took
to create the earth on the presidential campaign trail.
Continental Enterprises, an intellectual property consulting firm, launched a service this summer to help area high schools register their logos, names and mascots as trademarks and establish licensing programs, assuring that schools will get a cut of all merchandise sales bearing their mark. This month, North Central High School, one of the state’s largest, signed with Continental, and six to eight more schools are expected to follow suit within 60 days.
Many Indiana school districts say they have no choice but to brace for cutbacks in areas like school repairs, computers and
transportation thanks to the property tax reform measure approved by the General Assembly and signed by Gov.Mitch Daniels.
Business leaders and educators agree on what’s needed to improve Indiana’s economic health and enhance its place in the global
economy: a larger pool of skilled workers. Toward that end, a group of notfor-profits is expanding a program to get more low-income
Indianapolis students to further their education after high school.
Mayor Greg Ballard says the status quo isn’t good enough anymore when it comes to educating Indianapolis children. So heis
proposing what he’s calling a big, bold idea in education: Provide help to every student who needs it, not just the ones who
ask for it.
Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Eugene White, in his third year as head of the state’s
largest school district, is determined to reverse the long decline of the state’s largest school district. The status quo
is not an option.
With demand for welders outstripping supply, manufacturers, road and bridge builders, and other construction company owners
are all hurting. Despite a willingness to increase hourly wages and even offer signing bonuses, the search for welders is
getting more desperate.
The Indianapolis office of Zurich-based UBS Financial Services Inc. is experimenting with “adopting” the freshman class at Herron High School as the UBS Scholars of 2010. Its foundation made a $100,000 gift to the startup charter school, and local employees made a commitment to tutor, mentor and otherwise support its first 92 students.