
Bank seeks $2M from estate of London Witte Group founder

The estate of Richard J. Salewicz, who died in 2010, is named in the foreclosure suit that also targets Tyson Corp., the company he owned on the southwest side of Indianapolis. Local accounting firm London Witte is not part of the court action.

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Panel names 3 finalists for Indiana Supreme Court

The Judicial Nominating Commission interviewed seven candidates and deliberated more than four hours before whittling the field to Indianapolis attorney Jane Siegel; Mark Massa, a former counsel to Daniels; and Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Cale Bradford.

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Charlie White sentenced to home detention in voter fraud case

Indiana's ousted top elections official was sentenced Thursday to a year of home detention for six felony convictions that a judge refused to reduce to lesser crimes — a ruling that, if upheld on appeal, will likely cost him not only his office but also his law license and livelihood.

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Couple accused of tax fraud turning the tables on state

Real estate investor Chris Marten and his wife, Janice—a longtime Carmel jeweler—charge in a new federal lawsuit that investigators trampled on their constitutional rights during the inquiry, which resulted in 28 criminal charges.

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Sugarland attorneys: Injured fair fans share in blame

Attorneys for country duo Sugarland say concertgoers were at least partly to blame for injuries suffered in the 2011 stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair. The stance drew a sharp reaction from fans Tuesday and prompted the band’s manager to issue a statement criticizing the finger-pointing.

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Charlie White cries foul on residency, cites other cases

The ousted secretary of state claims Sen. Richard Lugar and former Sen. Evan Bayh vote from Indiana despite living near Washington, D.C. Lugar doesn't own a home in Indiana, and tea party activists want his candidacy disqualified as a result.

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Former worker files federal suit against ASI

An ex-employee of manufacturer ASI Limited in Whitestown is suing the company for allegedly failing to give workers a required 60-day notice that the plant was closing. The lawsuit seeks class-action status on behalf of roughly 200 terminated workers.

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More Fair suits target Durham family members

Those named in the latest lawsuits include Tim Durham’s ex-wife, Joan SerVaas; B.J. Durham, SerVaas’ biological son who was adopted by Durham; and the financier’s sister, Courtney Durham.

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Senator drops push for paid dealers at charity games

A proposal to allow charities to pay people to run bingo, poker and other gambling games is too touchy of an issue to tackle this session, Indiana Senate Public Policy Chairman Ron Alting said Friday morning. Instead, he’ll request a summer study committee.

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13K Indiana foreclosure victims to get $2K checks

Indiana homeowners will receive about $43 million in refinanced loans while other borrowers will get $30 million worth of loan-term modifications and other relief as part of a $25 billion nationwide settlement with the country's biggest mortgage lenders.

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