
Former Hoosier pleads guilty in Florida Ponzi case

Former Indianapolis developer Sydney “Jack” Williams admitted to failing to report $6.4 million in income from 2004 through 2007 that he earned from Miami Beach, Fla.-based Capitol Investments, run by CEO Nevin Shapiro.

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Federal judge nixes firm’s Bio Cremation lawsuit

A federal judge in Pittsburgh has thrown out a lawsuit filed by a Pittsburgh company that claimed its so-called "Bio Cremation" service — a flameless process to cremate remains — was being unfairly targeted by two Indiana competitors.

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Lawsuit by fair victims challenges Indiana’s $5M tort cap

An Indiana law that caps the state's liability for damages at $5 million for a single event violates the U.S. and state constitutions and should be thrown out, six plaintiffs suing over the deadly collapse of an Indiana State Fair stage argue in a lawsuit filed Monday.

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Township board OKs small claims court move

The Center Township Board on Wednesday approved a plan to move the township’s small claims court from the City-County Building to the Julia M. Carson Government Center on Fall Creek Parkway despite a judge’s objections.

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