State sues gravestone company for failing to fulfill orders
As of Sept. 15, Greenfield Police had taken about 70 complaints from consumers about the 122-year-old family firm, according to the suit.
As of Sept. 15, Greenfield Police had taken about 70 complaints from consumers about the 122-year-old family firm, according to the suit.
Claiming the judiciary cannot interfere with church matters, the U.S. Department of Justice and Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill have entered the fight between the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis and a teacher dismissed from Cathedral High School.
The competition inquiry, which began last year, focuses on Google’s sprawling search and advertising empire and the extent to which it harms rivals and consumers.
The decision, issued Thursday by U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker, comes just months before a general election in which large numbers of Hoosiers are expected to submit absentee ballots by mail.
The suit involves fees that Circle City is seeking for the retransmission of WISH and WNDY on AT&T’s Uverse and DirecTV cable and satellite services. Circle City filed a similar lawsuit against Dish TV earlier this year.
NRA President Carolyn Meadows labeled Attorney General Letitia James a “political opportunist” who was pursuing a “rank vendetta” with an attack on its members’ Second Amendment rights.
Jarrett and Lauren Silagyi were thrown from the high-powered boat and severely injured in the crash, which occurred when Daniel Towriss of Zionsville drove the boat into a South Florida jetty. The suit accuses him of drinking before the incident, but he has not been charged.
General Motors is asking a federal judge to reconsider his dismissal of a lawsuit based on new allegations that Fiat Chrysler bribed union officials and GM employees with millions stashed in secret foreign bank accounts.
In both of the suits, Indianapolis-based Kite claims that the retail tenants are in default on their leases because they didn’t pay rent in April, May or June.
The underwriters claim in the federal lawsuit that the Roman Catholic Archdiocese’s failure to disclose allegations against a suspended priest renders the policy void.
The lawsuit challenges a recently announced directive saying international students cannot stay in the United States if they take all their classes online this fall.
The lawsuit filed in federal court in Indianapolis on behalf of Common Cause Indiana argues that the state law wrongly thwarts voters and political parties from protecting the right to vote.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement notified colleges Monday that international students will be forced to leave the U.S. or transfer to another college if their schools operate entirely online this fall.
Businesses and the organizations that represent them fear a wave of coronavirus-related lawsuits as employees return to work and customers return to stores, restaurants and other public places.
A federal judge has issued a ruling against a new state law that would have effectively banned panhandling in downtown Indianapolis starting Wednesday, calling it unconstitutional.
Two women filed the lawsuit after video was released of officers using batons and pepper balls to subdue the women at a protest last month over the death of George Floyd.
The pharmaceutical company said the Roundup settlement would “bring closure to approximately 75%” of the current 125,000 claims against subsidiary Monsanto.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar called the decision in federal court in Washington, D.C., “a resounding victory” for President Donald Trump’s efforts to open up the convoluted world of health care pricing.
David Simon and Bobby Taubman are battling now in court over whether Simon Property Group is obligated to complete the $3.6 billion purchase of Michigan-based Taubman Centers that it announced in February.
Taubman Centers said in a filing alleging illegal termination that rival mall landlord Simon Property Group knowingly assumed the risks of the pandemic at the time their $3.6 billion merger deal was announced.