Indiana lawmakers fail to wrap up session
Lawmakers hoped to adjourn by midnight, days before a March 14 statutory deadline for finishing business, but are still bogged
down on several issues.
Lawmakers hoped to adjourn by midnight, days before a March 14 statutory deadline for finishing business, but are still bogged
down on several issues.
The Indiana General Assembly approved a bill that lets workers keep firearms locked in their cars in trunks or out of sight
while parked on company property.
Lawmakers are close to a compromise on a work-site guns bill, but remain farther apart on several other issues.
The most sweeping bill in years to tighten Indiana ethics and lobbying rules goes to Gov. Mitch Daniels for his likely signature
into law after a 97-0 vote.
The Indiana Senate has given final legislative approval to a bill allowing Indiana’s microbreweries to sell beer for carryout
on Sundays.
Republican leaders in the Indiana Senate stripped several tax credits and other measures to create jobs from an unrelated
agricultural bill Monday.
Key House Democrat recommends summer study for a Gov. Daniels legislative priority: consolidation of the $14.2 billion Indiana
Public Employees Retirement Fund and the $8.1 billion Indiana State Teachers Retirement Fund.
The most sweeping Indiana legislation in years to tighten ethics and lobbying rules cleared the state Senate 50-0 Thursday
and appeared headed soon to Gov. Mitch Daniels for his signature.
The Indiana House approved legislation Wednesday that would repeal an unemployment-insurance tax increase and approved a package
of tax credits and other incentives designed to create jobs.
Indiana lawmakers have taken another step in advancing legislation that supporters say will give a boost to Indiana's
renewable energy movement.
Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita is calling on House Democrats to act on a bill passed by the Senate that would
require that new legislative maps respect county and township lines, preserve traditional
neighborhoods and create compact districts.
The Indiana House and state Senate each passed bills to tighten ethics and lobbying rules, and the Senate Rules Committee
will take up the House bill on Monday.
Sen. Patricia Miller will put on hold a bill that would have have stripped the Indianapolis Historic Preservation
of much of its authority. The bill was
prompted by incidents including a dispute over St. John United Church of Christ.
The first half of a short session will close Wednesday, meaning bills must have passed out of either the House or Senate to
stay alive. Legislation regarding unemployment taxes and township-government reform easily met that deadline.
The added exemptions include bars, taverns, tobacco shops and fraternal clubs such as American Legion posts.
The president’s budget offers tax cuts for businesses, including a $5,000 tax credit for hiring new workers this year, help
for the unemployed and $25 billion more for cash-strapped state governments. Job creation will take precedence over stemming
a surging deficit.
Democratic Rep. Charlie Brown of Gary says he will keep pursuing a bill that would ban smoking in most public places.
Members of the Indiana General Assembly face a key mid-session deadline this week. Wednesday is the deadline for bills to
pass their house of origin and be sent to the opposite chamber.