Indiana House transportation chairman pledges to rework Tesla bill
A House committee will make changes to a bill after critics charged that the measure would have blocked car maker Tesla from doing business in Indiana.
A House committee will make changes to a bill after critics charged that the measure would have blocked car maker Tesla from doing business in Indiana.
The voucher language has injected some controversy into a bill that has received bipartisan support.
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday found that parts of the law violate the dormant commerce clause of the constitution.
When the Indiana Legislature allowed a Senate committee to hear testimony on a medical marijuana-related bill, some proponents saw a glimmer of hope.
The bill would increase the cap on the amount of tax credits investors could claim, as well as make the credits useful for out-of-state investors.
A key Indiana House panel won't consider a contentious attempt to ban abortions, its chairman said Thursday, meaning the measure likely is dead this session.
Indiana employers would be able to claim tax credits to offset costs associated with training and credentialing their employees under legislation being considered by the Indiana General Assembly.
Rep. Kevin Mahan, the author of the controversial vaping law, had proposed changes to the law that opponents called “a slap in the face.”
With the previous selection process deemed unconstitutional, a legislative panel has boosted a bill advocating merit-based picks and keeping a partisan balance on the bench.
The Indiana GOP is facing a public relations challenge as it tries to sell a plan to raise road funding that would increase the state’s fuel tax while charging an additional $15 for vehicle registration.
Indiana lawmakers on Monday took a preliminary step that would allow people with felony drug convictions to be able to receive food and nutrition assistance—part of one lawmaker’s plan to curb the state’s opioid problem.
The author of the controversial 2015 vaping law is back with a bill to address problems with the legislation, but at least one critic said the bill would allow the industry to remain a monopoly.
An Indiana state senator regrets an “offensive” message about women who attended the Women’s March on Washington, but says he doesn’t know how it was posted to his Facebook account.
Critics say the bill would effectively wipe out a key financial incentive for homeowners and businesses to install rooftop solar systems and windmills.
In his first State of the State address, Gov. Eric Holcomb stressed the importance of growing the state’s economy through increasing the skills of existing workers.
One of the bill’s author said it is designed to help parents who are “up against a wall,” and he stressed that it should not be confused as a first step to medical marijuana legalization in the state.
Republican legislators are considering taking the next step toward adding a balanced budget amendment to the Indiana Constitution, despite claims it’s unnecessary.
Speaker Brian Bosma said it was "important" for the governor to vocalize his support and convince voters that it is important for the Legislature to raise revenue through increased gas taxes or vehicle fees.
Gov. Eric Holcomb is pushing a plan aimed at attracting new nonstop and direct flights to and from the Indianapolis International Airport.
The plan to skill up Indiana’s adult workforce could help prepare the state to fill an estimated 1 million jobs by 2025, most of which will be openings created by the impending retirements of baby boomers.