
Dems object but Holcomb should be easily confirmed

Republicans don’t need Democrats’ help to confirm Eric Holcomb as lieutenant governor. They hold a huge majority in the Legislature—and it appears they support the governor’s choice to replace Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann.

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State lawmakers warm to hate-crime bill

Although gay rights legislation is dead for this session, supporters of a hate crimes bill making its way through the Statehouse note that crimes committed based on a person’s LGBT status are included.

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Tax break in works for struggling farmers

Farmers across Indiana would get a big property tax cut under legislation moving through the General Assembly that would reduce their assessed land values an estimated $4.2 billion for taxes paid in 2018 and $8.9 billion for 2019.

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Bosma cool to gay-rights bill

After a Senate committee advanced a civil rights bill that excluded transgender people and included several caveats, House Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday that he has “yet to talk to someone who thinks the bill is a good idea.”

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