Letters: Congress, not agencies, must make our laws
Congress has, unfortunately, often failed to act decisively or promptly on many pressing issues, leaving federal agencies to fill the gaps with regulations.
Congress has, unfortunately, often failed to act decisively or promptly on many pressing issues, leaving federal agencies to fill the gaps with regulations.
IndyRides Free is a first-in-the-country initiative that gives all Marion County residents free access to bikes from any of the 50 Pacers Bikeshare stations.
Fortunately, the transition to clean energy is not just environmentally responsible, it’s economically beneficial.
Kudos to Cecil Bohanon and John Horowitz for rightly calling out the folly of the Biden administration’s tariffs on Chinese goods. Note the same policy is touted by candidate Trump.
Bosma Center for Visionary Solutions offers training and resources for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. We understand vision loss can be frightening and that a sense of hopelessness can creep in.
There is still magic to listening to the race on the radio. You experience the gravity placed on honoring the troops, you can feel the speed of the cars racing across the track, and for the 90 seconds that “Back Home Again in Indiana” is sung, everyone listening feels like a Hoosier.
Bad behavior on the part of young people and being disrespectful is a problem that starts in the home. It’s the parents’ responsibility to correct that behavior when they see any semblance of it from their kids—be it at home, in school or in public.
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Since 1987, the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence has marked this month to help increase public awareness about the many alcohol-related issues facing society, combat the stigma surrounding alcoholism and provide education about the resources available.
Bosma Enterprises is a perfect example of how a public-private partnership can work to serve people with disabilities by providing the dignity of work, competitive pay and benefits and turning tax-takers into taxpayers.
By championing local African American artists, many who would have not otherwise had a public place to share their work, The Indianapolis Public Library has aided in the transformative power of representation.
The state is home to 64 general aviation airports and dozens of flight schools, and the sector produces over $1.4 billion in economic output in the state and employs over 11,200 Hoosiers.
Having children begin school at an earlier age would also benefit families as it would allow parents to work during those hours to also help alleviate the shortfall of workers in some areas.
On a per-capita basis, the Indiana outstanding local governmental debt was $4.2 million or 41,315 times that of the $101,755 per capita federal debt.
From housing to social isolation and diverse representation in relevant policy conversations, the priorities of the Area Agencies on Aging at the Statehouse positively impact Indiana residents of all ages and abilities.
As Saxony is a planned-unit development and comprised of several sub-associations, we cannot simply include trash service in the homeowners association dues.
Perhaps Sen. Aaron Freeman should resign and run for the City-County Council
Seems to me that parents ought to be a key to any “all-hands-on-deck approach.”
It’s well past time to recognize that our costs are high because our health care prices are high. (“It’s the prices, stupid.”)
All you have to do is go to Columbus, Ohio, to see how it should be done.
We have the technologies today to deliver reliable, clean, homegrown energy for Indiana while saving Hoosiers billions of dollars.