
Letters: Are national searches better?

The Newfields experience reminds me that I find no evidence that expensive, national or worldwide searches for talent and expertise provide superior results over simply announcing a request for applications

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Letter: Indianapolis needs a change

It is time for a change, pure and simple. We are starved for leadership in this city. And leadership starts at the top. I believe Jefferson Shreve can bring that leadership.

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Letters: The circle needs vehicular traffic, not a park

The people in charge seem to want this city to be a “walking/bicycle” city, which it never will be. There are thousands of people that need to use their cars to get to work, to meetings, to concerts, to get through the city without using the overcrowded interstate.

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Letter: Biden, Trump are too old to be president

Regarding Jim Shella’s advice to choose an incoherent Joe Biden over Donald Trump, I believe neither should be chosen [“Jim Shella: Age is front and center in national politics,” Forefront, Aug. 11]. Here’s why. When you get past 70, your cognitive abilities decline—sometimes markedly so. If anyone disputes this, they are either not past 70, […]

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