
Letter: Indiana should stop embracing NRA

I’ve been fighting for common sense gun reform in Indiana for years as a member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and it’s tiring. But it’s worth it. Hoosiers deserve better.

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Letters: House should pass ‘Share the Savings’ bill

Senate Bill 8, or the “Share the Savings” bill, would provide relief to hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers, ensuring their life-saving medications are more affordable by passing through negotiated rebates to plan participants at the point of sale.

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Letters: Legislature is failing Indiana

Thank you, Karen Celestino-Horseman, for your column, “We need to be saved from the Legislature” [Forefront, March 10]. Current Indiana leadership touts their efforts to bring more business and talent to Indiana and efforts to get young, educated Hoosiers to stay here. Then our Legislature spends an inordinate amount of time and energy on bills […]

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Letters: Support Walgreens for abortion decision

I believe the majority of people who live in the United States of America should back Walgreens as well as any other drugstore or other outlet who refuse to sell abortion pills in Indiana [“Walgreens says it won’t sell abortion pills in Indiana, even though it remains legal,”, March 7]. It is time for […]

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Letter: Censorship must stop

Passage of an amendment to the budget bill that stops funding the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University is censorship of world-renowned science on human sexuality.

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Letter: Nation needs quality public officials

When can we get back to quality office holders more concerned about governing through collaboration and thoughtful consideration of all aspects of the major issues facing the country instead of focusing on their extremist wars?

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