
Letters: An idea to balance the federal budget

If we implement this idea, we might balance the budget—or come really close to doing so. Charge businesses 25 cents to send one email to any email address. Don’t charge individuals or not-for-profits. Today, I got 488 emails in my junk box. It takes me time to sort those. Most are marketing spam or phishing […]

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Letters: Money spent on rapid-transit buses is wasted

How much asphalt is under-utilized by buses running empty miles on dedicated bus lanes? Ask the contractors who put in the asphalt or the climate warriors who never speak of this massive waste of heat-reflecting asphalt (asphalt is a byproduct of fossil fuels, to boot).

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Letters: Spend surplus on K-12, higher education

Indiana should offer the first year of community college at no cost to every high school graduate, regardless of their graduating GPA, and the second year at no additional cost for students who achieved a 2.5 GPA in their first year.

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Leaking talent pipeline should be Indiana’s top priority

Two of the most significant challenges facing Indiana are improving the educational outcomes for all K-12 students and greatly elevating the postsecondary attainment levels of our adult workforce. Currently, Indiana is behind its competitor states in the race to develop and establish a well-skilled, well-educated workforce for the jobs of today and tomorrow. There are […]

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Letter: ‘Complete Streets’ policy is worth passing

There are many components that lead to thriving, successful businesses. One of those components is an assurance of safe and easy access to those businesses for consumers. Sadly, many of our urban neighborhoods lack infrastructure like sidewalks, bike lanes and wheelchair cutouts that would make it safer and easier for residents of those neighborhoods to […]

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Letter: Abortion ban would be regressive

My jaw dropped when I read Curt Smith’s column from the June 10 Forefront section of IBJ [Curt Smith: Overturning Roe is right choice for country]. To quote: “There will be vigorous debate as to whether state law should allow exceptions, such as the life of the mother, rape and incest.” Excuse me? The life […]

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Letter: Did Lilly do an about-face?

Within the last two months, the Eli Lilly and Co. CEO makes a speech telling us that Indiana needs to get its education act together. Last week, Lilly announces a big project in Whitestown, Indiana.

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Letters: Indiana chased out electronics industry

Indiana used to have six semiconductor [fabrication plants]. But for some unknown reason, our politicians (Republican and Democrat, city and state, past and present) as well as their respective economic development officials said that they did not want to support our electronics industry with its semiconductor fabs.

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Letter: Believe the victims

Believing victims takes all of us. It starts at home, with open and frequent conversations about consent and healthy and respectful relationships. You can learn how to be an effective bystander. You can talk to your employer about workplace sexual harassment policies. You can contact your federal and local elected official to advocate for survivors. And you can support initiatives that empower survivors.

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Letters: Council doesn’t deserve raises funded by taxpayers

IBJ editorial writers missed the point of my argument on pay increases for the Indianapolis City-County Council [“Editorial: It’s time to allow a pay hike for city-county councilors,” May 6]. They should listen to my shows on WIBC and not base an editorial on one tweet. This is the fourth time in seven years that […]

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