Lumina Foundation sets new goal for higher education achievement
The new goal is about measuring—and working to increase—the economic value of post-secondary education.
The new goal is about measuring—and working to increase—the economic value of post-secondary education.
The Indianapolis-based grant maker intends about 25% of the money to help organizations and initiatives in Indiana over three years. Half a million dollars already has been committed to the Central Indiana Racial Equity Fund.
Over the past year, Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation has aggressively moved in a novel direction for a grant-making not-for-profit, funneling more of its $1.2 billion endowment into venture capital.
The Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation’s overall goal is to raise the percentage of Americans with college degrees from 38 percent to 60 percent by 2025.
Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation, one of the nation’s largest donors to education groups, has given $10 million to a venture capital firm to fund for-profit startups with ideas to meet the nation’s education challenges.
The money is part of an effort by Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation to boost the number of Americans with college-level degrees.
College costs continue to soar, putting more pressure on students. Jamie Merisotis, CEO of the Lumina Foundation, offers advice on how to keep them enrolled and engaged in school.
In his [March 29] column, “Set sights on education, not graduation,” Morton Marcus raises a vital point about
Indiana’s higher education reform efforts—but he overlooks a larger one.