
Ford recalls 370,000 cars

Potential corrosion to the cars' steering shafts might result in loss of control. No incidents or injuries have been reported.

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Omnicity lured teen to invest, state says

State securities regulators allege that principals of Omnicity Corp. goaded a 19-year-old to invest $100,000 from his inheritance into the wireless broadband firm so that it could clinch the purchase of an Ohio carrier in 2010.

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‘Prototyper’ sees business gain fizz

TWeatherford Inc. was launched in 2006 as a reseller for additive manufacturing equipment, often called 3D printers or rapid prototypers. It has done well with the machinery sales and rentals, but has begun providing actual manufacturing services on a larger scale.

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Cummins plans to add 500 jobs for Nissan engine

Cummins said the 5-liter, V-8 turbo diesel will be built in Indiana at the company's historic plant in downtown Columbus, creating up to 500 jobs over the next several years. About 300 people currently work on the V-8 program.

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Spurned Indy continues to court manufacturing

Indianapolis is losing manufacturing jobs at a steady, some would say alarming, rate. And the Circle City is not alone, as many metro areas face serious challenges in retaining and attracting manufacturers.

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