
Allison Transmission, supplier feuding in court

A dispute between Allison and a major supplier over allegations of defective parts has grown so contentious that
the supplier is threatening to halt shipments—a move Allison says could force it to shut down.

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Knauf Insulation sues NatCity over $8M investment loss

One of Shelby County’s largest employers is suing NatCity Investments Inc. to try to recover nearly $8 million in losses on
auction-rate securities. Knauf Insulation filed suit in Shelby Superior Court in March, saying NatCity should repay the money
in accordance with a settlement the bank reached with federal regulators in March 2009.

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Navistar finalizes foundry closing

Navistar Inc. has notified state leaders that its Indianapolis Casting Corp. foundry at 5565 Brookville Road will close in
July, costing about 220 employees their jobs.

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Health care tech firm Gemms adding 69 jobs

Carmel-based electronic medical records developer Gemms Inc. plans to invest $2.1 million to expand its headquarters and software
development operations here, more than doubling its staff in the next five years.

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