
Politicians looking to pump image find plenty of stats

Want a top ranking in economic development? There's a study for that. Need a report showing Indiana's jobs situation is stellar and Illinois' is one step away from being declared an international disaster zone? There's a business publication for that.

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Pence slowly putting his stamp on Indiana, GOP

Performance metrics and "key priority items" sound like dry management talk, but they provide insight into how Gov. Mike Pence is slowly taking the reins of the state and crafting Indiana's government with his own priorities.

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Pence putting stamp on Indiana with new goals

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence announced Monday he will shuffle where state agencies focus most of their efforts. State Budget Director Chris Atkins said the new priorities reflect the goals that Pence laid out in his campaign.

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State lawmakers override Pence veto of tax measure

The governor wrote to lawmakers Monday asking them to sustain his veto of retroactively implementing local income taxes for Pulaski and Jackson counties. But House and Senate leaders pushed the override, saying the bill corrects a mistake by the state.

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Pence readies 1st vetoes as Indiana governor

Pence has expressed concern with a measure shifting power from the Indianapolis City-County Council to Mayor Greg Ballard and with a plan for a $100 million loan to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

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Governor travels bumpy road to income tax cut

Broken roads have formed the single largest pothole in freshman Gov. Mike Pence's legislative "roadmap," a first-year agenda centered around a $500 million cut in the state's personal income tax. 

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Revenue forecast could swing Pence’s tax-cut hopes

The state revenue forecast due out April 16 will influence the next two-year budget and possibly help Gov. Mike Pence sell lawmakers on his proposed 10-percent income-tax cut. Experts predict the numbers won’t be much different from those in the last forecast.

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