LOU’S VIEWS: Come (back) to the Cabaret
This week, the reborn American Cabaret Theatre and a symphonic circus draw packed houses.
This week, the reborn American Cabaret Theatre and a symphonic circus draw packed houses.
The Fine Arts Society of Indianapolis inspires passion for classical music across central Indiana through broadcast programming
and outreach.
This week, one of the Midwest’s most unusual music contests swings into high gear with the start of the final round of the
American Pianists Association’s 2009 Classical Fellowship Awards.
The International Violin Competition of Indianapolis has lost a major corporate gift less than two years from curtain time.
This week, pirates take over Indianapolis Opera, and a trio of plays isn’t the half of it at the Humana Festival of New American
The legal tussle between artist, Associated Press raises doubts about artists’ drawing inspiration from the work of their
These days, local musicians can record cheaply at home and distribute their music inexpensively, and tracks can be sent digitally to critics and bloggers.
It’s holiday time, and nothing gets you into the spirit like songs and carols.
This week, another stocking stuffer from the Bob and Tom crew and holiday-country music fusion at American Cabaret Theatre.
Indianapolis’ success at living up to its self-proclaimed status as the amateur sports capital of the world is legendary.
Now city and civic leaders are trying to build a similar hub of not-for-profit music organizations through a lower-key initiative
dubbed MusicCrossroads.
Andy Fry has played in five bands in the past 10 years or so, serving in various capacities, including singer/songwriter.
He and his seven bandmates of Indianapolis-based Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s have just recorded their second album,