Enjoy the latest wit from Bob & Tom on CD; relish the voice of Claire Wilcher at ‘Cabaret’
This week, another stocking stuffer from the Bob and Tom crew and holiday-country music fusion at American Cabaret Theatre.
This week, another stocking stuffer from the Bob and Tom crew and holiday-country music fusion at American Cabaret Theatre.
Indianapolis’ success at living up to its self-proclaimed status as the amateur sports capital of the world is legendary.
Now city and civic leaders are trying to build a similar hub of not-for-profit music organizations through a lower-key initiative
dubbed MusicCrossroads.
Andy Fry has played in five bands in the past 10 years or so, serving in various capacities, including singer/songwriter.
He and his seven bandmates of Indianapolis-based Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s have just recorded their second album,