
NCAA delays decision on stipend for scholarship athletes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association will wait to decide on whether scholarship athletes at college sports’ top division will be eligible for as much as $2,000 a year to pay for food, transportation and other incidental expenses.

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Legislation seeks more aid for college athletes

The legislation would require large athletic programs to cover all sports-related medical expenses incurred by athletes. In addition, the legislation would require colleges to continue providing financial aid to students whose athletic scholarships are revoked despite being in in good standing.

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Texas remains college football’s financial No. 1

While Alabama topped LSU for the BCS national football championship, the Longhorns have been crowned financial kings among college football's elite teams. Tide is No. 6 financially and LSU is No. 8, according to a new study.

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Indiana poised to become a basketball state once again

With the Pacers and IU re-emerging as contenders and the Colts floundering, Indiana sports fans are primed to re-embrace their Hoosier hysteria roots. But what happens when Peyton Manning returns or Andrew Luck is drafted is anybody's guess.

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NCAA approves major scholarship changes at meeting

The NCAA Division I Board of Directors OK’d reforms that give conferences the option of adding more money to scholarships, schools the opportunity to award scholarships for multiple years, impose tougher academic standards on recruits, and change basketball recruiting.

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College athletes push for NCAA reforms, money

More than 300 major college football and men's basketball players are telling the NCAA and college presidents they want a cut of ever-increasing TV sports revenue to fatten scholarships and cover all the costs of getting a degree.

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