Q&A: Kroger manager ‘came with the building’
When Marsh moved Larry Schultz out of its Mass Ave store years ago, customers threw a fit. Kroger was smart enough to make him manager of its new downtown store.
When Marsh moved Larry Schultz out of its Mass Ave store years ago, customers threw a fit. Kroger was smart enough to make him manager of its new downtown store.
After the store on South Meridian Street shuts its doors next month, just one O’Malia’s grocery will remain.
The O’Malia’s Food Market near 56th Street and Emerson Avenue will close for good this weekend after a 33-year run.
Kahn’s Fine Wine & Spirits plans to open a second location in a former O’Malia Food Market at the northeast
corner of 86th Street and Township Line Road.
Marsh Supermarkets Inc.’s attempt to switch to a cheaper supplier of prescription drugs has touched off a legal battle with
the current supplier — which suggests it could fine the grocery chain as much as $61 million for reneging on its deal.