Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow: Mastering collaboration requires sense of trust
As a leader or manager, how can you use key elements of collaboration, including trust-building, conflict resolution and psychological safety to help your teams thrive?
As a leader or manager, how can you use key elements of collaboration, including trust-building, conflict resolution and psychological safety to help your teams thrive?
Of course, all economic data is flawed, so the CPI statistics might be a fluke.
Financial markets have always been and will always be subject to bubble thinking.
Housing prisoners and fighting crime are just the types of jobs local governments need money to do, especially when they aren’t getting paid as they should for their services.
When you’re hurting and need to act, there’s no mental space for anger.
These increases are the direct result of a choice made by state leaders, philanthropic organizations like the Lilly Endowment, elementary schools, their communities and courageous educators committed to a mighty push in teaching the science of reading.
Let’s make sure we know what we will lose if the agencies that help keep Hoosiers healthy and prosperous are dismantled and that we demand accountability from our elected officials to ensure that basic services to protect our health and prosperity aren’t stripped away under the guise of political rhetoric.
Through Health First Indiana funding, the Hamilton County Health Department has already awarded more than $3.2 million to local partners to deliver essential services and ensure that residents can easily access the care they need.
Indiana already has over 120 small business assistance organizations and programs covering all areas of the state.
It’s safe to assume it’s a stratosphere or two beyond what the local stars of yesteryear received for their humble endorsements.
The problem isn’t the difference in approach—it’s whether you can discuss and navigate these differences without causing financial (or emotional) ruin.
Lawmakers must seek to balance the needs of local government with what it’s fair to ask the public to pay.
The ballooning size of government and spiraling deficits are serious threats to our economic vitality and freedoms.
Instead of forming a new state, the Illinois counties that voted to pursue secession should join us in a state that shares their values and economic interests.
Fiduciary responsibility is about securing strong financial returns for Indiana. That responsibility compels me to stand against woke corporations pushing political motives.
While our efforts abroad strengthen Bangalore, Cape Town, Kampala and beyond, they also make our own community more connected, inspired and stronger.
When we can get above the line, we start to see that, while real events present real challenges, none of us is powerless and at the mercy of the world psychologically.
It would be great if the city’s new economic development organization could fix the byzantine, slow and unresponsive permitting process.
Trust between an employer and an employee begins with a clear company mission and strong core values and goals.
Not raising rates, of course, enriches the banks.