
LETTER: Stadium story underplays costs

Of all the numbers listed in your article about Lucas Oil Stadium [At a crossroads? July 24], you did not mention what the annual payments and debt service dollars are that the city must continue to pay for the stadium. Nor did you mention how much the city still owes on the Hoosier Dome (yes, the […]

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THOMAS: Life in a divided city

How could people in the divided city of Aleppo, Syria, live such different lives? I couldn’t imagine it—until I considered ways our city is divided.

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Robertson: Bringing the service back to public service

In the days of Donald Trump, Anthony Scaramucci and endless talking heads—nay, screaming heads—on the left and right, it is easy to forget that running for office or working in government is supposed to be about public service. It is supposed to be an honor and the highest form of civic engagement. 

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Daniels: Defending the right to bear arms—with limitations

I agree in concept with John Lott’s “more guns, less crime” theory, based on data indicating that violent crime decreases when states are required to issue gun permits to law-abiding citizens. But I don’t see any need for the general public to own semi-automatic weapons.

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