
MADDOX: Trump’s greatest legacy will be the courts

Despite amateur hour in the White House, Trump’s greatest legacy will be the conservative men and women he appoints to the federal courts. This is ironic given that, for most of his life, Trump was a Democrat and has acknowledged not having a strong ideological foundation for his political positions.

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EDITORIAL: Health care debate needs sanity

What we need is reasoned debate by smart people willing to put politics aside to find answers—probably answers that no one will find wholly satisfying but could become the basis of a health care system that is fair and affordable and can change with technology and innovation that is constantly evolving.

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LETTER: Vouchers’ effectiveness completely unproven

Basically, we have a one-party political state that holds itself up as being conservative yet we continue to take millions of dollars out of the public school system and plow it in to vouchers and charter schools without any significant, measurable, or quantifiable increase in student achievement.

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