
HOWEY: Mourdock’s big GOP gamble is taking hits

I ran into Rex Early last winter just as the buzz about Richard Mourdock’s challenge to U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar was reaching a crescendo. “Could Lugar get beat?” I asked him. Yes, was the answer from the former state Republican chairman. Early knows the ins and outs of Republican politics about as well as anyone. […]

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SKARBECK: Latest investment tool to tame risk is no panacea

The idea behind tail-risk hedging is to provide protection to a portfolio against a disastrous event that would wreak havoc on the markets—a so-called “black swan” event made famous by Nassim Taleb’s book “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.”

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STYLE: Local entrepreneur teaches upholstery staples

Shelly Leer had planned to start ModHomeEc on a small scale, but has found it tough to keep it there. She’s had to double class sizes from three students to six since January and has started offering three-day, out-of-town workshops in Chicago.

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