TENBARGE: School takeovers will do students a favor
When schools have well over half of their students not even passing end-of-course assessments for core subjects, how can they prepare students for life in the real world?
When schools have well over half of their students not even passing end-of-course assessments for core subjects, how can they prepare students for life in the real world?
I’m told that in the 2004 race, Joe Kernan, the Democratic nominee, personally vetoed any use of the Daniels divorce in his campaign.
There are politicians out there who see the ability to strip away one’s feelings as demonstrating toughness. To me, it sounds soul-deadening.
Gov. Mitch Daniels’ marital history has no bearing on his ability to steer the country and reveals no damning character flaws.
Instead of an effective regulatory environment, the facts suggest [Insurance Commissioner Stephen] Robertson’s rubber stamp for rate increases is getting a real workout.
These education initiatives and provocative “we want Indiana to be the best” ideas in numerous policy areas are part of the Indiana Chamber’s Indiana Vision 2025 long-range economic development planning process.
Rather than limit the decision to its facts, the court instead sweepingly discarded the reasonable resistance right in its entirety.
Google is already staking out its territory by writing Google @Home, an ambitious attempt to make Android into a one-place home remote-control station.
On a recent visit to my local library, I couldn’t help but notice the buzz of activity—a mother reading to her toddler, children and adults taking advantage of computer and Internet access, a middle-aged gentleman working with spread sheets on his laptop, and a line of people at the main desk waiting to check out items.
Mickey Maurer’s May 31 commentary was a nice tribute to Gov. [Mitch] Daniels and was a somewhat humorous and tongue-in-cheek piece, that is, until he decided to take some cheap shots.
Right now, Americans are deeply involved in one of our periodic debates about government spending and the budget deficit. Important as that is, I am more concerned about our civic deficit—the widespread lack of basic constitutional literacy.
In 2009, 80 percent of Hoosiers worked in the county where they lived, with the other 20 percent going elsewhere to work. Hardly a change from data 10 years earlier.
Indianapolis has been ignored long enough. It’s time to bring Dillard’s here, and the Circle Centre opening presents a great opportunity.
The tax districts allow the city to capture new property tax payments within specific boundaries and apply those funds to infrastructure upgrades and other incentives designed to lure private investment.
Nordstrom occupies a staggering 210,000 square feet spread across three floors—60 percent more space than the Seattle-based chain occupies at the Fashion Mall at Keystone and likely more than any single retailer would be willing to lease.
One analyst even declared that, relative to disposable income, housing is more undervalued than at any time in the last 35 years. So it is an attractive time to buy a house if you plan to be a long-term owner.
The hard truth is that all the jobs lost in the economy that will return already have. So what will become of those who lost jobs to the recession for which none await them now? The prognosis is none too optimistic.
While his official tenure doesn’t begin until September, Krzysztof Urbanski’s unofficial coming-out party came May 20-21 when he led the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for the first time since being named music director.
Fourth in our month-long series of reviews of newer ethnic eateries. This week, a trip to Sensu.
Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are connected to South America by land and little else.