
LOU’S VIEWS: Indy Opera’s ‘Carmen’ shows upside of downsizing

When word went out that one of the three Indianapolis Opera presentations this season would be a production of “Carmen,” sans chorus, sans full orchestra, sans biggie-size sets, and sans Clowes Hall stage, it was perfectly understandable that some patrons may have lowered their expectations.

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MAURER: The Indiana we’ve always wanted

My fellow Tea Party Republicans, I have an idea. Let’s enact legislation requiring immigrants and homosexuals to wear purple hats. What difference does it make if we precipitate an economic disaster?

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EDITORIAL: Democrats test public patience

The stalemate that sent Democrats across state lines more than four weeks ago started as a principled stand against a Republican overreach. But it’s the Democrats who will be remembered for overreaching.

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State should go smoke-free

Less than a month ago, it seemed almost certain that Indiana would join the ranks of two dozen other states and the District of Columbia—including our neighbors Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin—in enacting a statewide, comprehensive smoke-free-air law.

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Indiana must limit immigration

It always amazes me that the obvious results of exporting jobs, importing workers and engaging in other forms of labor and environmental arbitrage are a mystery to newspaper editorialists and many of our so-called public leaders.

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Forefront one-sided

I was disappointed and frankly astounded at the incredible lack of balance and clear anti-Republican, anti-conservative message delivered in the Feb. 28 Forefront.

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Krull column was out of line

[Columnist] John Krull, in an attempt [in the Feb. 28 Forefront] to slam U.S. Rep. Mike Pence [R-Indiana] and State Sen. Mike Delph [R-Carmel], used a very flawed premise.

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Marcus is naive

Reading the [Feb. 28] column by Morton Marcus was akin to reading the Sunday morning comics.

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MERHOFF: Let’s rethink what businesses want

Today’s lifestyle preferences have trumped yesterday’s corporate loyalty, just as flatter organizational structures leading to greater employee interaction have replaced pyramid-shaped corporate structures.

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