
BONIFIELD: Balanced appeal will resuscitate Democrats

Democrats need to forge a coherent pact with their constituents, detailing how they will reform education without undermining educators; shepherd sensible, pro-taxpayer policies through the General Assembly without becoming distracted by fringe issues; and provide private citizens and municipalities with the tools and revenue they need to evolve Indiana into an economic leader.

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MUTZ: Getting economic development right

As an IEDC board member and former lieutenant governor responsible for economic development in the 1980s, I believe IEDC is one of the most successful economic development agencies in the nation.

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SPIGELMAN: Cities should share joy of continued growth, development

Without adequate funds, [Carmel] has been forced to subsidize the [Center for the Performing Arts] with taxpayer money. This is unsustainable, and we therefore need the assistance of the citizens of Indianapolis to help patronize this center by attending many of the scheduled performances now and in the years ahead.

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MARCUS: Debt and taxes are not the devil’s doing

This national debt business is being overplayed. Critics characterize the debt as a giant burden, our most important national issue. Borrowing for the future, however, makes good sense when the debt contributes to economic growth.

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MORRIS: Don’t have a job? Work anyway

If recent graduates can’t find a job, they should do something while they continue to search. Take any kind of job you can get. Volunteer at church or at a not-for-profit organization. Take a wait-staff job. Take a part-time job. Do something.

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