
Volunteer today

Thank you for [Greg Morris’ Jan. 17 column]. Like a lot of adults, I’ve had “volunteer” on my to-do list for quite some time, and that time just never seems to come.

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Renn adds value

Congrats to IBJ for publishing the article, “Indianapolis must reinvent itself—again” by Aaron Renn [in the Jan. 10 Forefront].

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We keep taxes low at our peril

As we have seen our already poor-quality educational system and libraries cut every year, while raising expectations—it is darkly ironic that the same politicians are making these contradictory decisions.

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WILLIAMS: Light rail to airport is key for downtown

If Union Station was linked to an urban transportation system extending from downtown to the Hendricks County border, workers in the gargantuan warehouses west of Indianapolis would have access to a reliable transit system.

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Union backer has vested interest

The reason [Teresa] Meredith is so gung-ho regarding her union stance is she has so much to lose: 18 years into her profession, vice president of the Indiana State Teachers Association, her pension and benefits.

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Should teachers be unionized?

[In response to Teresa Meredith’s Jan. 10 column in Forefront] I would like to know, if collective bargaining has all of those benefits, why are our public schools performing so badly that a great percentage of the students do not graduate?

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Criticism of IEDC was off-point

Professor [Morton] Marcus’ warning about the perceived under-appreciation of local economic development organizations [in his Jan. 10 column] places a spotlight on the importance of these groups and those who lead them.

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Children need broad education

I applaud Bruce Hetrick’s column (Jan. 10, “Why this public-school baby fears school reform”) for its keen observations about the value of education in the arts and humanities.

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COX: Shrinking government can increase costs

Legislation will likely be introduced in the Indiana General Assembly to abolish township governments and consolidate their functions into counties. As in the past, the proponents claim this would save money for taxpayers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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MAURER: This is a broker’s tale worth reading

“Twelve years after I popped out, I learned to sell. During the next three, I began to write. Fifty years later, I discovered how to kill.” Thus begins the journal of investment adviser Jack Chap, protagonist in John Guy’s novel “Middle Man, a Broker’s Tale.”

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