FEIGENBAUM: Session to test lawmakers’ views on small government
Many new House and Senate members won election in part on platforms of reducing government regulation and minimizing government in the lives of Hoosiers.
Many new House and Senate members won election in part on platforms of reducing government regulation and minimizing government in the lives of Hoosiers.
There is an interesting twist to all these newly discovered pots of Internet gold. They are not public, but almost anyone can buy stock in these companies in the private market if you hunt around enough.
Forecasts are primarily used as a tool to begin, not end, conversations about business and government matters.
When I was 53, it was not a very good year. Then again…
We don’t expect all our holiday wishes for the New Year to come true. We’re not that naïve. But in this season of hope, we’d like to offer these familiar refrains—and end with some proof that dreams do, sometimes, come true.
Most people find it incomprehensible that there are hundreds of con men around the country who wake up every morning with the objective of looting people who have placed their trust in them.
There is a certain poignant irony in the U.S. Census Bureau’s release of 2010 poverty statistics this Christmas week. It reminds us that, behind the green eyeshades of professional data collectors, the folks at the Census Bureau have an acute marketing sense.
Indiana politics can be puzzling. Enjoy this Pictocross© on the topic.
Some offered their inaugural feasts. Others served their last meal. Here’s a rundown of just some of the transitions on the Indy dining scene this year.
The holiday happenings are behind us. The 2011 offerings are yet to come. That means its time for my annual trek through the IBJ archives for reminders of A&E events that I enthusiastically recommended during the past year.
We are concerned that the ethics issues at the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission and Duke Energy are being used by opponents to derail plans for the Edwardsport IGCC Power Plant.
The dramatic shift from primary care to specialty interests within the American health care system begs a deeper question—What is the future of the primary-care doctor?
Well, it’s that time of year again: time to gaze into the crystal ball and predict what trends will dominate fundraising in the year ahead.
Many of the best minds in the nation are endorsing the latest stimulus package, which retains the Bush tax cuts and reduces workers’ Social Security contributions nearly one-third.
Try to imagine what the Republicans would have said if someone in the Obama administration proposed cutting off liver transplants for Medicare recipients.
In a world of relative equals, the U.S. will have to learn to define itself by its values.
In the last two years, Oklahoma’s junior senator has proved himself braver than many of his colleagues, more creative on public policy, and more intellectually honest about the consequences of popular legislation.
As I review the list of potential Democratic nominees, none of the Republican hopefuls can keep the Statehouse in Republican hands.
A question that must be posed to the tea partiers intent on taking Sen. Richard Lugar out: Who replaces him?
Good government should be transparent, no matter who’s in charge.